creativity on tap
In One simple Subscription

Your all-in-one design solution, tailored for you, whenever you need it.

Unlimited requests & revisions

Pause or cancel anytime

Happiness guaranteed

get Started
the problem

You need Good design. And lots of it.

Traditional options box you in—fixed projects, rigid scopes, and sneaky fees can stifle creativity and slow your brand down.

A laptop with the website for Amber Rae open on the beach by the water
Maddie Nieman sitting and smiling on a lifeguard stand on the beach
our solution

flexible design subscriptions

For a flat monthly fee, embrace consistent, on-brand design that adapts to your late-night ideas and customer insights. It’s all the creativity, with none of the constraints.

Trusted by brands of all sizes

what we offer

We help small teams & solopreneurs make big impact online.

Whether you’re launching a course, building your next website, or rolling out a new product, we’re ready to dive in.


Brand Identities
Social Templates
Brand Collateral


Web Design
Webflow Development
Shopify Development
Landing & sales pages


Audits & Strategy
‍Lead Gen Setup
Zapier Automations
Integrations & Plugins
Analytics & Tracking

if this sounds like you, then try the subscription

You value a strategy-first approach

You love the freedom to pivot & experiment within your business

You've got a variety of design needs & don't want to hire multiple contractors

You want the highest quality design & development support

You want a true team member, without the annal salary

You want space to get creative, push your boundaries, and explore what's possible — and have fun while doing it!

A mockup of social media graphics for Kin Euphorics on iphones.
A mockup of the Notion dashboard for the subscription service on an ipad
A mockup of the website for Nurtured Narrratives on a laptop

so how does it work?

Like having your own in-house designer, but without the full-time commitment.

Collaborate in Notion

Get your very own custom dashboard in Notion, where you and your team can pop in requests whenever inspiration strikes. Track progress, review designs, and shoot over your feedback—all in one slick platform.

Add new tasks anytime

Add team members for max collaboration

Happiness guaranteed

Design on Your Terms

Flexibility is the name of the game. Whether you’re juggling multiple projects or need to switch gears, you call the shots. Light month? Hit pause and save your unused days. We're here to adapt to your pace, not the other way around.

Pause, cancel, or stash your unused time—no stress.

One task at a time with deliverables ready every week.

We’re not happy unless you’re over the moon. That’s a promise.

latest projects
Author & Artist
Human Design Coach
Business Coach
Youtubers & Authors
Creative Entrepreneurs
Cannabis Company
Marketing Agency
An entire agency in one human

“If you’re even thinking about hiring Maddie, RUN, don’t walk at the opportunity. Yes, she’s a thoughtful and strategic designer. But even more than that, she’s like an entire creative agency in one human. Whatever the big idea inside of you is, Maddie is the key to bring it to life.”

Amber Rae Testimonial Photo
Amber Rae
Author, Entrepreneur & Writing Mentor
limited spots available

one simple

for  $4,950/month

Unlimited requests & revisions

Pause or cancel anytime

Happiness guaranteed

Maddie Nieman smiling
Happiness, guaranteed

I love doing great work with great people. Think of me as your creative co-pilot, through the ups and the downs. If you’re not over the moon with the work, I’ll make it right. No worries, just wins.


skip the zoom meeting.
Your questions are answered.

Unless you want one of course. We love virtual coffee chats too.

How many requests can I make each month?

As many as you like! You can send in multiple design requests at at time, and we’ll knock them out one by one. That means you get design help whenever you need it, without extra costs.

What's the turnaround time for designs like?

It depends on how big each task is, but you can expect to see designs within a few days. For bigger items, we’ll send out updates at the end of each week. Either way, we’ll keep communication open so you’re never in the dark.

Who will be designing my project?

Your work will be executed by me, Maddie Nieman — a brand & web designer with a decade of experience. Occasionally, I bring on talented contractors to help support, but I’ll always be running point.

How do I pause my subscription?

If you don't need design or web support for a bit, just send us an email to pause your subscription. You won't lose the time you paid. If you pause in week 3, you'll still have 1 week left to use at a later date.

What design tools do yo use?

I use a variety of tools including Photoshop, Illustrator, and Figma. Editable templates will be created in Figma, unless requested otherwise. For websites, we mainly use Webflow & Shopify.

What if my website is on a different platform (Squarespace, Wix, etc.)

I’ve tried all the platforms out there and Webflow is my favorite for both designer & client. However, if you’d like to keep your site in your chosen platform, we would be happy to help with design work that you can supply to another developer. Just ask us 🙂

How do I request work?

We’ve made it super simple. Inside notion, just add a new item with any info you have. Provide text, loom videos, urls, or whatever you like. If something isn’t clear, we’ll follow up.

What if I'm not happy with the designs?

Not to worry! If we miss the mark, we’ll keep working until we get it right. Sometimes the best ideas are found on the heels of the wrong ones.

Is there any design you don't offer?

We focus on branding, web design, and development and any items that fit within those categories. If you’re curious about something specific, feel free to reach out.

What if I only have one request?

One request is totally fine. You can pause your subscription after it's done and come back when you have more design needs. The weeks you’ve paid for won't go to waste.